又開會~![版主回覆01/24/2008 22:30:00](Empty)
嘜成日都要開會! 我估近排可能有籃球比賽進行,所以如此多人啦![版主回覆01/24/2008 22:30:00]I don't think so la.
乜你有打籃球ge咩, 公司定自己打,[版主回覆01/24/2008 22:30:00]Every Wed. with some of my hoi sum gi ka.
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回覆刪除[版主回覆01/24/2008 22:30:00](Empty)
[版主回覆01/24/2008 22:30:00]I don't think so la.
乜你有打籃球ge咩, 公司定自己打,
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/24/2008 22:30:00]Every Wed. with some of my hoi sum gi ka.